2016-7 Art


© Rahma Wiryomartono Artwork

‘The Crack in Everything,’ Oil on Canvas, 24″ x 36″

“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” 

—Leonard Cohen, “Anthem”





© Rahma Wiryomartono Artwork

‘Cat’s Cradle,’ Acrylic on canvas, 36″x 28″

This painting was created for an exhibition with the theme, “Processed.” Hands can represent the act of moulding one’s surroundings. When things are processed, they undergo a series of transformations guided by human intent. I thought that it would be interesting, both conceptually and aesthetically, to portray this within a sunset. Naturally-occurring phenomena like sunsets are awe-inspiring and beyond human control. A sense of incongruity is meant to be conveyed by the contrast between hands, which represent human creation, and a sunset, which represents the organic. In this way, I wanted to explore the idea of a naturalistic scene being constructed, manipulated, and ultimately, “processed.”





© Rahma Wiryomartono Artwork

‘Study of Radishes and an Onion,’ Oil on Canvas, 15″x15″

This painting was started in 2012, stowed away for years, then completed in 2016. Based on David Stevenson’s Painting Progression, it was my first experience using oil paint. As such, I looked for a reference that depicted different stages of the painting process. My lack of familiarity with the medium made me impatient and easily frustrated, resulting in a muddy first painting. After becoming more comfortable with oil paint, I returned to the painting to touch it up, years after the initial completion.

